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喵~离线 有意栽花不如无心插柳


发帖: 27511
SOS币: 399304
社团: 爱与正义の麻将幻想乡
社团: 瑞士银行
社团: ♪K-ON!!♪
社团: 工口党
社团: ☆春铃亲卫队☆
注册: 2008-06-07
访问: 2022-02-21

发表于 2011/12/07 | 编辑

猜你喜欢: Eve, only my railgun mid







  Channel ID:      (('solarsystemid2', 30000142),)
  Channel Name:    Local
  Listener:        Praise MSA
  Session started: 2011.12.06 20:56:04

[ 2011.12.06 21:02:21 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Perimeter
[ 2011.12.06 21:03:18 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Urlen
[ 2011.12.06 21:04:20 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Sirppala
[ 2011.12.06 21:05:34 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Inaro
[ 2011.12.06 21:06:36 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Kaaputenen
[ 2011.12.06 21:07:50 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Niarja
[ 2011.12.06 21:09:08 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Madirmilire
[ 2011.12.06 21:10:21 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Ashab
[ 2011.12.06 21:11:40 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Amarr
[ 2011.12.06 21:12:48 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Kor-Azor Prime
[ 2011.12.06 21:13:45 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Amdonen
[ 2011.12.06 21:14:48 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Ami
[ 2011.12.06 21:15:49 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Fensi
[ 2011.12.06 21:16:29 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Nebian
[ 2011.12.06 21:17:37 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Noranim
[ 2011.12.06 21:18:34 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Chej
[ 2011.12.06 21:19:29 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Aring
[ 2011.12.06 21:20:30 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Antem
[ 2011.12.06 21:21:23 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : *mame
[ 2011.12.06 21:22:25 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Angur
[ 2011.12.06 21:23:15 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Access
[ 2011.12.06 21:24:16 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Exit
[ 2011.12.06 21:25:06 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Gateway
[ 2011.12.06 21:26:26 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Central Point
[ 2011.12.06 21:27:18 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Promised Land
[ 2011.12.06 21:28:20 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : New Eden
[ 2011.12.06 21:32:06 ] Praise MSA > Trail account tourist going to new eden, don't shoot!
[ 2011.12.06 21:32:13 ] Cera Evariel > lol
[ 2011.12.06 21:32:16 ] Cera Evariel > just a tourist also
[ 2011.12.06 21:32:27 ] Cera Evariel > wanted to see the gate with new gfx :)
[ 2011.12.06 21:32:39 ] Praise MSA > yeah, great isn't it?
[ 2011.12.06 21:32:51 ] Cera Evariel > way nicer than the old
[ 2011.12.06 21:32:57 ] Praise MSA > I am a Chinese player from Serenity
[ 2011.12.06 21:33:04 ] Cera Evariel > ahh, cool
[ 2011.12.06 21:33:07 ] Praise MSA > I am glad to see first hand the changes here
[ 2011.12.06 21:33:15 ] Praise MSA > this is the last day of my trail
[ 2011.12.06 21:33:23 ] Cera Evariel > they havent come to serenity yet?
[ 2011.12.06 21:33:37 ] Praise MSA > no, it is still Trannys, 3 versions older
[ 2011.12.06 21:33:52 ] Cera Evariel > ah, damn
[ 2011.12.06 21:33:54 ] Cera Evariel > so outdated
[ 2011.12.06 21:33:57 ] Praise MSA > I want to afk here, with this container dropped here declaring my love to my friends
[ 2011.12.06 21:34:18 ] Praise MSA > or maybe it could be a better idea if I drop it to a more remote place...
[ 2011.12.06 21:34:28 ] Cera Evariel > its best to fly it out a bit
[ 2011.12.06 21:34:46 ] Cera Evariel > maybe 400-500km off warp in
[ 2011.12.06 21:34:55 ] Cera Evariel > most people are too lazy to go that far and its still visible
[ 2011.12.06 21:35:00 ] Praise MSA > yeah good point, Ill fly towards the gate of EVE
[ 2011.12.06 21:35:28 ] Praise MSA > nice to meet you here. from serenity, with love.
[ 2011.12.06 21:35:43 ] Cera Evariel > give my regards to your server :)
[ 2011.12.06 21:36:01 ] Praise MSA > Thanks, wish you very best of luck
[ 2011.12.06 21:36:18 ] Cera Evariel > the same to you friend
[ 2011.12.06 21:36:45 ] Cera Evariel > also no worries about my ship, i dont have any pvp modules XD
[ 2011.12.06 21:36:52 ] Cera Evariel > Rape Machine
[ 2011.12.06 21:36:57 ] Praise MSA > Civilian Gatling Railgun I have this!! lol
[ 2011.12.06 21:37:05 ] Cera Evariel > this character only knows how to run my corp and nothing else
[ 2011.12.06 21:37:27 ] Cera Evariel > oh and no, i´d die against that XD
[ 2011.12.06 21:37:46 ] Praise MSA > The trails of the ships are so beautiful!
[ 2011.12.06 21:37:54 ] Praise MSA > can't wait until Serenity has it too
[ 2011.12.06 21:38:00 ] Cera Evariel > ya, i dont know why they ever removed them
[ 2011.12.06 21:38:12 ] Cera Evariel > i´m a really old player, over 5 years on my main
[ 2011.12.06 21:38:33 ] Cera Evariel > we used to have engine trails until maybe 4 years back then they removed it
[ 2011.12.06 21:38:45 ] Praise MSA > yeah I saw from old videos
[ 2011.12.06 21:38:51 ] Praise MSA > I am so glad they are back
[ 2011.12.06 21:39:00 ] Cera Evariel > same, makes the game feel whole again
[ 2011.12.06 21:39:02 ] Praise MSA > I'm quite new, begun playing myself since March 2011
[ 2011.12.06 21:39:14 ] Praise MSA > you know I used to love Homeworld
[ 2011.12.06 21:39:28 ] Cera Evariel > good game, still got HW2 somewhere on my pc
[ 2011.12.06 21:39:41 ] Praise MSA > I love HW1 better, for the plot and music
[ 2011.12.06 21:39:54 ] Praise MSA > sadly can't play it on my win7
[ 2011.12.06 21:39:59 ] Cera Evariel > had a better story, ya
[ 2011.12.06 21:40:09 ] Cera Evariel > mostly a fan of the X series myself
[ 2011.12.06 21:40:18 ] Praise MSA > oh, X3 reunion?
[ 2011.12.06 21:40:22 ] Cera Evariel > yup
[ 2011.12.06 21:40:33 ] Praise MSA > I played that one and it made me feel dizzy
[ 2011.12.06 21:40:39 ] Praise MSA > you know, you can roll in that game
[ 2011.12.06 21:40:43 ] Cera Evariel > lol, ya
[ 2011.12.06 21:40:46 ] Praise MSA > makes you lose sense of direction quickly
[ 2011.12.06 21:40:56 ] Cera Evariel > at first i didnt have the slightest clue what i was doing or where i was going
[ 2011.12.06 21:41:13 ] Cera Evariel > took me a few days and alot of dying to learn
[ 2011.12.06 21:41:20 ] Praise MSA > me neither, and worse still, the game was in English, and my English was much worse back then
[ 2011.12.06 21:41:39 ] Praise MSA > dropped it after a week
[ 2011.12.06 21:41:51 ] Praise MSA > then years later I run into a video of EVE
[ 2011.12.06 21:41:51 ] Cera Evariel > mines a german translation, but modded it to english
[ 2011.12.06 21:42:02 ] Praise MSA > and I was immediately attracted
[ 2011.12.06 21:42:07 ] Cera Evariel > they did a horrible job on translating it to german so it was just plain bad
[ 2011.12.06 21:42:30 ] Cera Evariel > heh, a friend of mine in highschool played it and i decided to join, stayed on ever since
[ 2011.12.06 21:42:46 ] Praise MSA > I registered an account here first, but I quit after 3 days, not because it is hard,
[ 2011.12.06 21:42:54 ] Praise MSA > but because the font size was soooooooo small
[ 2011.12.06 21:43:06 ] Praise MSA > I had to switch to Serenity
[ 2011.12.06 21:43:13 ] Praise MSA > because the font there is much larger
[ 2011.12.06 21:43:24 ] Cera Evariel > you can change the sizes
[ 2011.12.06 21:43:39 ] Cera Evariel > top right of the chat thing, the a- and A+
[ 2011.12.06 21:43:44 ] Praise MSA > I am glad to see the font is much better and scalable here in Cubicle or whatever this version is called
[ 2011.12.06 21:43:55 ] Cera Evariel > crucible, ya
[ 2011.12.06 21:43:57 ] Praise MSA > yeah I know, but I was talking about the UI font size
[ 2011.12.06 21:44:07 ] Cera Evariel > ah, ya, barely could see that
[ 2011.12.06 21:44:24 ] Praise MSA > it was so difficult to find a module in my hangar
[ 2011.12.06 21:44:53 ] Praise MSA > and I had to use the zooming tool in Windows to just be able to see the name of modules
[ 2011.12.06 21:44:53 ] Cera Evariel > i got used to locating things by icon
[ 2011.12.06 21:45:20 ] Praise MSA > yeah of course, but I was a freshlly new player back then and we both know how steep the learning curve of EVE is
[ 2011.12.06 21:45:27 ] Cera Evariel > true
[ 2011.12.06 21:45:35 ] Praise MSA > alright, looks like I have flown far enough
[ 2011.12.06 21:45:37 ] Cera Evariel > my tutorial was basically "heres your ship, get lost"
[ 2011.12.06 21:45:43 ] Praise MSA > I'll jettison my can here
[ 2011.12.06 21:45:47 ] Cera Evariel > yup, this should do
[ 2011.12.06 21:46:00 ] Cera Evariel > whats it say on it actually?
[ 2011.12.06 21:46:04 ] Cera Evariel > just curious
[ 2011.12.06 21:46:12 ] Praise MSA > MSA is my friend
[ 2011.12.06 21:46:18 ] Praise MSA > so 赞美=praise
[ 2011.12.06 21:46:26 ] Praise MSA > which is my name
[ 2011.12.06 21:46:38 ] Cera Evariel > ahh, cool
[ 2011.12.06 21:46:39 ] Praise MSA > of course I was called differently in Serenity
[ 2011.12.06 21:46:46 ] Praise MSA > and “我爱你”means I love you
[ 2011.12.06 21:46:56 ] Praise MSA > BBQ is the name of another friend of mine
[ 2011.12.06 21:47:23 ] Cera Evariel > lol, interesting names
[ 2011.12.06 21:47:25 ] Praise MSA > I had to give this can to my friend, have him rename it, and give back to me because I am on trail account...
[ 2011.12.06 21:47:39 ] Praise MSA > anyway, I'll shoot a few screens
[ 2011.12.06 21:47:44 ] Cera Evariel > cool
[ 2011.12.06 21:47:45 ] Praise MSA > can you rotate me?
[ 2011.12.06 21:47:49 ] Praise MSA > 500m?
[ 2011.12.06 21:48:12 ] Cera Evariel > if you´re ever on here and need anything by the way, look me up as Soras Evadon
[ 2011.12.06 21:48:15 ] Cera Evariel > is my main character
[ 2011.12.06 21:48:18 ] Cera Evariel > and sure, no problem
[ 2011.12.06 21:49:42 ] Praise MSA > thank you veru much indeed, my friend. my name on Serenity is AzureTimm., you can find me herehttp://www.azuretimm.netmy clog, haven't updated in quite a few monthssee you out there. fly safe.
[ 2011.12.06 21:49:54 ] Cera Evariel > cya, take care :)
[ 2011.12.06 21:49:56 ] Praise MSA > Goodbye, New eden. Goodbye, Tranquility.
[ 2011.12.06 21:50:02 ] Praise MSA > I was here.


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